save yourself time and money

With The Watercolor Mixing E-Book

The Watercolor Mixing E-book offers hundreds of mixtures that are exciting, unique and cannot be found in other books.

Use this book as a reference and as inspiration. It will help you make better shopping decisions next time you want to add another watercolor to your collection!

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About me

Hi! I'm Irit, an intuitive watercolor and mixed media artist. I love all things color and am passionate about watercolor and intuitive painting.

I re-discovered art in my 30's as I was dealing with major life changes. Art was my joy and therapy.

I now help other creatives discover the joy of intuitive painting with watercolors. Glad you're here!

If you want to know more about my story, read this.

Irit Landgraf

Artist & Author

Watercolor Freedom

The E-Book

watercolor freedom

Follow me on Instagram for watercolor & mixed media inspiration

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